Friday, September 23, 2011

The Case for more quantitative easing

No Extra Credit

What if everything that is happening in Washington right now is just meaningless noise?
What if the Obama jobs plan, the coming deliberations of the supercommittee, the debate over taxing millionaires — what if none of it is likely to make a whit of positive difference for the economy? What if the only thing that matters is something Congress and the president rarely mention, and can do nothing about?
I’ve come to believe this is the case. What is killing the economy is lack of credit. In the aftermath of an asset bubble, invariably the result of too-loose credit, banks don’t just tighten their standards; they practically shut down.
This was true during the Great Depression, and it’s been true during the Great Recession. And until normal credit standards return, economic growth will continue to be stunted. “Overreaction to the credit bubble is now the knee on the throat of the economy,” says my friend Lou Barnes, a mortgage banker at Premier Mortgage Group in Colorado.
Not long ago, Lou sent me a powerful new piece of evidence, a presentation put together by Paul Kasriel, chief economist for Northern Trust. Titled “If Some Dare Call It Treason, Was Milton Friedman a Traitor?” (the title will become clear shortly), it has the force of revelation.
The first part of the paper is spent “dispelling the nonsense” (Kasriel’s words) that factors besides credit are the root of the problem. He persuasively mocks the idea that “uncertainty” is holding back companies from borrowing. (“Uncertainty,” Kasriel told me, “is the last refuge of economists who can’t explain what is going on.”) Ditto for onerous taxes, record budget deficits and lack of demand.
He then documents “a post-WW II record” credit contraction, before moving on to a surprising solution: more quantitative easing from the Federal Reserve, which is essentially the buying of bonds from investors by the Fed, using money it prints, as Kasriel freely admits, “out of thin air.”
That this solution is controversial is not lost on Kasriel; his title is an obvious play on Rick Perry’s comment that continued quantitative easing by the Fed chairman, Ben Bernanke, would amount to borderline treason. But that’s where his reference to Friedman comes in. Kasriel is absolutely convinced that if the great conservative economist were alive today, he would be leading the charge for quantitative easing. It’s all we’ve got left.
In the 1930s, the Fed’s tight money policy compounded the lack of credit and sent the country into the Depression. Decades later, Milton Friedman was the economist who most persuasively proved that point. Bernanke, a student of the Depression, took that lesson to heart; his willingness to flood the system with liquidity during the financial crisis prevented a repeat.
It is also what led Bernanke to try the first two rounds of quantitative easing. “Banking under normal circumstances is a transmission mechanism from the Fed to the economy,” Kasriel told me. “That transmission mechanism is broken.” Quantitative easing is not nearly as efficient at expanding credit as having the banks involved, but it does work. During the decade of stagnation in Japan, Kasriel points out, Friedman urged its central bank to expand the money supply and buy bonds — exactly what Bernanke has been doing.
The main argument against the printing of money is that it raises the odds of inflation; even the esteemed Paul Volcker is worried about it, as he wrote in Monday’s Times. But Kasriel is convinced that the bigger fear right now is deflation, and that the expansion of credit by the Fed should be seen in combination with the contraction by the banks. In that larger context, the Fed’s move no longer looks inflationary. It looks instead like the only means we’ve got right now to create badly needed credit.
There is much resistance to another round of quantitative easing, not just from G.O.P. presidential hopefuls, but from many in the political establishment. Yet it’s worth noting that the reason Volcker is esteemed today is because, 30 years ago, as Fed chairman, he stuck by a monetary policy — a severe tightening, in his case — that he believed in despite fierce denunciations. His willingness to chart an unpopular course led directly to the economic revival of the 1980s.
Today, Ben Bernanke is every bit as vilified as Volcker was back then. Yet the Fed remains politically independent, and like Volcker, he has the right to chart the course he believes best, without political interference. The course he has charted is quantitative easing. Kasriel is utterly convincing that this is the right course. Bernanke should make the Fed’s independence matter.
Source: New York Times

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Economist | The proper diagnosis: Profligacy is not the problem

The proper diagnosis
Solving the euro-zone mess means understanding the nature of its ills. And by insisting it is just about budget deficits, too many Europeans show they don't
MISDIAGNOSIS is not, in itself, malpractice. Everyone, be they doctors or central bankers or politicians, makes mistakes. But when the misdiagnosis involves ignoring some symptoms and persisting in treatments that aren't working, it is not so easily excused. And that is what is going on with the euro, where a stress on demanding austerity has eclipsed the need to boost confidence.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Working harder and hardly hiri... (

How Big? A Caption Contest

President Obama with Treasury Secretary Geithner, while NEC Director Gene Sperling looks on. 
Check out this caption contest from Freakonomics' Blog:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Selection effect

Marginal revolution:
I love this example of the importance of selection effects:
During WWII, statistician Abraham Wald was asked to help the British decide where to add armor to their bombers. After analyzing the records, he recommended adding more armor to the places where there was no damage!
The RAF was initially confused. Can you explain?
You can find the answer in the extension or at the link.
Wald had data only on the planes that returned to Britain so the bullet holes that Wald saw were all in places where a plane could be hit and still survive. The planes that were shot down were probably hit in different places than those that returned so Wald recommended adding armor to the places where the surviving planes were lucky enough not to have been hit.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

How To Get More Free Dropbox Storage With Your School Email Address [News]


via MakeUseOf by Bakari Chavanu on 7/28/11

Millions of us use the free in-the-cloud, file sharing and syncing service Dropbox who allow you to increase your free storage by using their referral system. When you get someone else to sign up for a Dropbox account, you get an extra 250MB of additional space.
But now if you're a student or educator with a .edu email address, you can get double the credits for referrals. That's 500MB per friend you invite. With enough Dropbox space, you can nearly replace the local documents folder on your computer with your Dropbox account, which means accessing your content from any online computer.
Dropbox is a great tool for students who work between two or more computers. Plus, the file sharing features of Dropbox are useful for group projects in school.
To get more storage, you simply need to verify your .edu email address. Once your address is verified, your current Dropbox account storage will be doubled; for example, from 2GB of existing Dropbox space to 4GB after your .edu account is verified.
When you refer a friend and he or she actually signs up for a Dropbox account, your storage space will be doubled again. You can get up to 8GB of free space using the referral process.
If you don't already have a Dropbox account, go here to get started. After you're signed up, log into your account and link into the referral process to invite your friends, using their email, and/or your Twitter and Facebook accounts.
Source: How-To Geek

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How To Get More Free Dropbox Storage With Your School Email Address [News] is a post from: MakeUseOf
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