Source: WSJ
The Federal Reserve and academics who give it advice are rethinking the proposition that the Fed cannot and should not try to prick financial bubbles.
"[O]bviously, the last decade has shown that bursting bubbles can be an extraordinarily dangerous and costly phenomenon for the economy, and there is no doubt that as we emerge from the financial crisis, we will all be looking at that issue and what can be done about it," Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said this week.
The bursting of this decade's housing bubble, which was accompanied by a bubble of cheap credit, has wrought inestimable economic damage. The U.S. economy was faltering before the crisis in credit markets recently intensified, rattling financial markets and sending home prices down further. Even if the government's decision to take stakes in major banks works, it could take weeks for money to flow freely again.
"A recession at least of the magnitude of 1982 is quite likely," said ITG economist Robert Barbera. The recession that ended in 1982 lasted 16 months -- twice as long as the 1991 and 2001 recessions -- and saw the unemployment rate rise to 10.8% from 7.2%.
While it is too soon to pronounce an about-face in Fed thinking, policy makers' views clearly are evolving. The Federal Reserve's longtime line on financial bubbles has been that they were impossible to identify. Even if the central bank could identify a bubble, policy makers said, trying to lance it would be far worse for the economy than letting the bubble run its course and dealing with the consequences.
Economists' view that central banks shouldn't meddle with financial bubbles was informed by the Fed's disastrous efforts to pop the stock-market bubble in the late 1920s, which led to the 1929 stock-market crash and contributed to the Great Depression. That view was reinforced when the Bank of Japan's pricking of the late 1980s' stock-market bubble shepherded in a decade of economic stagnation.
"[T]he degree of monetary tightening that would be required to contain or offset a bubble of any substantial dimension appears to be so great as to risk an unacceptable amount of collateral damage to the wider economy," former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan said in 2002.
The Fed's view on bubbles helped fuel what became known as "the Greenspan put" -- the conviction among investors that the Fed would let them take excessive risks and step in as custodian if the bets they made went awry. By giving market participants an incentive to assume greater risk than they would have otherwise, the Fed's laissez-faire position on bubbles may have contributed to the surge in credit that helped push housing prices skyward in the first half of this decade.
Part of the problem was that the Fed applied the lessons of the dot-com bubble to housing and credit, says Harvard University economist Jeremy Stein. When Internet stock prices collapsed in 2000, the economic fallout was contained, because the use of leverage -- borrowing money to magnify bets -- was limited. The housing market is far more dependent on credit, and therefore leverage. As the issuance of mortgages expanded, and investors plunged money into complex securities based on those loans, matters got dangerously out of hand.
Identifying bubbles is tricky, with some seemingly irrational price spikes turning out to be justified. Policy makers need to be careful of valuing their judgment over the collective judgment of the market, because efforts to quash prices could interfere with the crucial role markets play in relaying information and allocating capital.
In recent years, economists have made headway in identifying incipient bubbles. Princeton University's Jose Scheinkman and Wei Xiong have shown how bubbles lead to overtrading -- whether day trading dot-com stocks or flipping condos -- and this might be a useful alert. Researchers at the Bank for International Settlements have flagged excessive credit growth signaling a bubble.
Once authorities identify a bubble, the next step is figuring out how to deal with it. Fed officials appear uncomfortable with the idea of raising interest rates to prick a bubble, because rates affect a wide swath of economic activity, and a bubble may be confined to just one area.
"Monetary policy, for which we in the Federal Reserve are responsible, is a blunt instrument with economy-wide effects," said Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Gary Stern. "We should not pretend that actions taken to rein in those asset-price increases, which seemingly outstrip economic fundamentals, won't in the short run curtail to some extent economic growth and employment."
Fed officials are leaning toward regulating financial firms with more of a focus on how they are contributing to risk throughout the financial system. This approach could also have drawbacks, said Princeton economist Hyun Song Shin.
"These Wall Street people are very intelligent, and their incentives are so vast that they're going to find a way to go around the rules you set down," he said. "Leaning against the wind by raising interest rates in the face of what seems like a credit boom is one way of at least damping down on potential excesses."
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